
We provide a general analysis of home components. It will provide you with the knowledge, understanding, and confidence in your potential home purchase. Our general home inspection includes the examination of the following areas:

  1. Landscaping, its effect on the foundation.
  2. Siding, trim, exterior windows and storms, the general condition of each.
  3. Roof, chimney, flashings, valleys, Evidence of water penetration, materials, and condition.
  4. Gutters, downspouts, General condition, effects of dampness in the basement, and its ability to carry off rainwater.
  5. Driveways, patios, decks, porches, General condition of each.
  6. Air conditioner compressor
  7. Walls, floors, ceilings, interior windows, General condition of each.
  8. Plumbing system, all visible fixtures, pipes and drains tested for operation.
  9. Electrical system, outside entrance wiring, service panel, and visible wiring inspected. Random testing of outlets.
  10. Heating system, Visible portion of heating plant and components.
  11. Attic, Visible roof sheathing, ventilation, insulation, and framing.
  12. Basement, Foundation soundness, and evidence of moisture penetration.

Our home inspection will usually take 6 to 7 hours to complete. Some houses take longer and some take less. We strongly encourage you to attend the inspection, which provides an excellent opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge about your prospective new home. You will be provided a computer-generated detailed report e-mailed within one business day.

Other Inspections include: WDI (Wood Destroying Insects) Water Testing, Manufactured Home Certifications.